quarta-feira, julho 18, 2012
terça-feira, janeiro 17, 2012
quarta-feira, janeiro 11, 2012
Not Here Not There
Leonardo Electronic Almanac in collaboration with The Samek Art Gallery and with Kasa Gallery announces a special issue titled: Not Here Not There. This issue arises out of the territory between two cultural streams.
Leonardo Electronic Almanac in collaboration with The Samek Art Gallery and with Kasa Gallery announces a special issue titled: Not Here Not There. This issue arises out of the territory between two cultural streams.
terça-feira, janeiro 10, 2012
Festival de Apartamento: Inscrições Abertas para o "XI Festival de Apartame...: . Inscreva sua performance no XI Festival de Apartamento (Campinas/SP) 04/02/2012 - a partir das 20:30h Local a divulgar Arte da Perfo...
Circuito BodeArte: Convocatória para o II Circuito Regional de Perfor...: Car@s parceiros perfodedores, O II Circuito Regional de Performance BodeArte começa seus aquecimentos para o presente ano. Em 2012, a part...
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